A review by amybraunauthor
Unearthed by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


I bought this book on a whim, and am so glad that I did. I've read plenty of dark, grim stories this year, so this was exactly what I needed. It's fun, exciting, packed with adventure and two of the most charismatic leads in the genre.

There can never be too many adventure books, and the authors wasted no time in drawing readers into the action. This leads into a wild story filled with betrayal, deception, and death-defying traps. This growing tension meant I was never bored, and was eager to get to the next page.

While I loved the action and discovery and twists the story took, the highlight were the characters. I adore them. Both are unique and different from one another, yet they compliment each other so well. Though I suppose an argument could be made that the romance between Amelia and Jules was rushed, I personally found them too endearing to nitpick it that much. Amelia is rugged, snarky, and prone to see the danger in situations. Jules is an intellect, romantic, and passionate. I adore the intelligence they both have, and how they work out secrets early along rather than letting them drag out.

Honestly, I had so much fun reading this book that I never want it to end! I can't wait for the sequel!