A review by isheekagoswami
Host by Robin Cook


Woah. Unreadable. One of the worst books I’ve picked up in a long time. I can’t believe how clunky and prose is. For example: “Frank guessed that Carl was stressed out about his upcoming surgery, especially after Carl admitted he was as nervous as hell before they had started out.” Great guesswork, Frank!

And this phenomenally wooden dialogue:
“It caught me totally by surprise, as much or more so than if you had told me you were going into urology.”
“You of all people know that I was always a jock in high school and college, especially with my interest in lacrosse. Sports have always been a part of my persona.”
What? Who talks like this?

I found it impossible to get immersed in the story because the terrible writing was such a distraction. It was like reading a novice’s writing in a “Please critique my first page!” post on Reddit. How do books like this get published?