A review by fragilelunar
The Wize Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms by Nagabe


i picked this up because i thought the cover was gorgeous but i was not expecting.. THAT. i liked a decent amount of the stories but some of them were problematic to say the least.

the first story especially left a really bad taste in my mouth. using a magical date rape drug basically.. not a fan at all and almost didn't continue. i also didn't love the crow / peacock one as i was waiting for the peacock to find out what his friend was doing and he just never did. i know most people also talk about the teacher / student one but when i read it i interpreted it as more of a found family vibe but that could be on me lol

honestly, this would've just benefited from each story being longer but that tends to be the case with short story collections like this. the art was absolutely stunning though and i really like the concept of human-like animal characters so this was a mix of good and bad for me.

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