A review by book_concierge
Mistress of the Ritz by Melanie Benjamin


Book on CD narrated by Barbara Rosenblat

As she has done for many other women in history, Benjamin, turns her attention to a previously little-known woman who made a significant impact. This novel focuses on Blanche Auzello, a former American actress who was married to Claude Auzello, the manager of the Hotel Ritz in Paris, and their experiences during the Nazi occupation of Paris.

I was completely caught up in this story from beginning to end. Blanche is portrayed as a larger-than-life character; she is brash, friendly, emotional, kind, brave, and a loyal friend. I can easily picture her hobnobbing with the likes of Ernest Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald and Coco Chanel. She has a harder time hiding her disdain of the Nazis than her husband does, and she resents the devotion he has to his job and his hotel. Would that he showed such devotion to HER! But when push comes to shove, it is their love for one another that sees them through and drives their actions.

But the Hotel Ritz is a marvelous setting, and practically a character in itself. Benjamin fills the novel with descriptions of the hotel: from the furnishings to the personal service provided to her guests. The Ritz shines on these pages.

It’s worth reading the author’s note at the end to learn the few facts the author had on which to frame this engaging work of fiction. As she explains, the story of the Auzellos is barely known or commented about in existing documents. So, Benjamin states that this novel is “inspired” by the, rather than actually based on them. Some things are known:
SpoilerBlanche changed her name to hide her Jewish background; Claude did work to pass messages for the Resistance through a network of hotel managers and supplies; Blanche was arrested; they died in 1969

Barbara Rosenblat narrates the audiobook. She had a lot of characters to deal with and she did a marvelous job of it.