A review by cfyfe14
In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness by Peter A. Levine


Levine provides a throughout clinical-evidence approach for the comprehension of trauma. His elaborate clinical and scientific research provides a solid foundation for understanding the physiological symptoms that are correlated with trauma. Certain parts of the book, animal linking, physiological symptoms of trauma, and spiritual significance, i found appealing and enhanced increase of new insights. Other parts, clinical observations, emotional reasoning, i skimmed because i found the content to be too detail and laborious, taking away from the overall meaning of the book.

I, personally, am not a fan on Levine's writing style;finding it boring, dry and very atypical of academia( strong evidence-based knowledge yet lacking the necessity skill set to put into simplistic practitioner comprehension). His narrative , i found to be repetitive and redundant in many parts of the book, illustrating he indulged in a topic before it become assimilated into dominant acculturation. I also found his writing tone to have a strong sense of skepticism, as if he doubted his own work, blocking a solid rapport of authenticity and realism to be established with the reader.

I believe this book is a good read for a class setting, enabling class discussion, instructors insights and assimilation to the relevance of the clinical-medical practice. Unfortunately, i would not recommend this book for those who aren't involved in the practitioner field or for digestive reading. It's really designed as a text book, lacking the pictures, graphs and clever wit.