A review by lavenderbiscotti
The Safe House by Nicci French


I'm always pleasantly surprised when I pick up a new read by a new author that I've never even heard of and my daring choice pays off. This book was a wonderfully suspenseful page-turner. I'm always rather uneasy with novels in first person (this one flip-flopped, but was primarily in first), but Nicci managed to do it in a way that wasn't overwhelming. The characters were well developed and interesting to tag along with. POTENTIAL SPOILERS: There were a few loose ends that I would've liked tied up; I'm curious to know who "X" was and how she found Elsie again in the park. What happened with Baird and the rest of the case? I suppose this is the sort of book that could've had a sequel. Still, I rather enjoyed it and I've gained a new author to enjoy.