A review by rknitss
Always a Thief by Kay Hooper


Reread for a group challenge (important for context ) and rating lowered from 5 to 3.

I remember this fondly as part of the stack of guilty pleasures I've kept for years through multiple moves and unhaul purges. This is a direct sequel to once a thief and reads like it.

In hindsight this book only works when read directly after the other. The plot does not hold up to scrutiny and as far as romance....

I adore Quinn and Morgan and I enjoy much of Kay Hooper's writing style but this book needed about 10 more sex scenes, they needed to have started earlier and they needed to be shockingly descriptive to make up for the everything else.

Instead there's a lot of fade to black and the near instant romance (with frustrating denial on the part of the characters) really banks on carry over chemistry / tension from the first book. Which I have not read in years.

The plot/mystery is very ambitious and over the top compared to the first book and that is definitely not a compliment. There's also a much bigger and convoluted cast that, while charming, was incredibly distracting.

It also ends on what feels like a blatant hook for a third book that I'm reasonably certain never came.

So in summary: if you read and loved Once a Thief, enjoyed the cutesy banter and Morgan in particular, if Quinn and his connections (no matter how convoluted) interest you go ahead and read away. You might have fun.