A review by anasatticbookblog
Perfect Wreckage by Catherine Cowles


Perfect Wreckage (The Wrecked Series Book 2) by Catherine Cowles
Narrated by Joe Arden and Maxine Mitchell
Standalone in a Related Series
4.5 Stars

Perfect Wreckage by Catherine Cowles is the second in a series that takes place in the small town of Anchor Island. The three best friends who live there each get a book, but I don’t think it’s necessary to read Reckless Memories before reading Perfect Wreckage even though we are introduced to both characters in that first book. But I guarantee, after reading Perfect Wreckage, you’ll be in for the long haul and you’ll read the first anyway.

Perfect Wreckage

Kenna and Crosby couldn’t be more different. Crosby grew up in Boston with a trust fund but moved across the country to Anchor Island to practice law under his own terms, away from his family. He has been hurt in the past and never plans on getting into another committed relationship. Always on his next extreme sports adventure, he is a lighthearted daredevil, but there is way more than meets the eye.

Kenna is a buttoned-up accountant. Surviving a terrible childhood, she was taken in by Harriet, her grandmother’s friend, from when she was 11 years old. Spending her early years with a drunk mother and not having any security takes a toll on a person.
“I wanted to feel like a gift in someone’s life. Never again did I want to feel like a burden.”

After being devastated in high school by a rich prick, Kenna had some preconceived notions about Crosby, and their banter wasn’t always flirtatious. But when her life begins to unravel, Kenna needs the town lawyer at her side.

Crosby was so good for her. He brought her out of her safety net and taught her how to live and love, even if he wasn’t quite ready for that himself.
“One day, this woman would see herself as I did. Strong because she’d been broken. Loving because she’d been hurt. Perfect in all of her imperfections.”

Kenna’s growth in this book was phenomenal. I loved how she was pushed into being the person she was meant to be.
"Life is messy and terrifying, but it is also crazy beautiful. You taught me that. You showed me that my wreckage could be perfect in its own way, that all those little cracks in my soul just made me stronger, more beautiful."

Years ago my genre of choice was lawyer and suspense books, (think John Grisham), and Perfect Wreckage brought in a lot of those features that kept me listening non-stop back then.


  • •It stood alone great, not requiring me to remember a thing about the first (I’m like Dori with my memory).

  • •Catherine’s writing is beautiful. Her words feel carefully crafted to bring out a mood in the reader.

  • •I laughed, cried, and bit my nails with anticipation.

  • •The amazing friendship between the three women.

  • •Visiting the idyllic town of Anchor Island again.

  • •The opposites attract theme. They brought out the best in each other.

  • •Harriet and Zoe were both amazing side characters.

  • •A villain (actually a few) you hate so much you want to kick their teeth in.

  • •How the couple slowly opened their hearts to each other and grew from it.

  • •Crosby is just amazing. Sigh….

  • •These covers are gorgeous.


  • •Kenna seemed like she was wallowing in self-pity a little too much sometimes (and before you throw stones, I’ve been there.)

The Narration:

Maxine Mitchell and Joe Arden did a phenomenal job with the narration. I think their acting made the book even better by bringing Kenna and Crosby to life.

The Down & Dirty:

Perfect Wreckage by Catherine Cowles is a journey. I am so glad it was a little longer than the average audiobook (at over 9 hours) because I absolutely didn’t want it to end. I love how the author gives such a full, rich story with a lot of backstory as well as an exciting tale in the present that makes you not want to stop reading at any point. I devoured Perfect Wreckage by Catherine Cowles. It brought me on a journey of laughter, tears, hope, excitement, fear, and happy sobs—the best kind of journey!

Rating: 4.5 Stars, 3.5 Flames, 5 Narration

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