A review by unisonlibrarian
In, Against, and Beyond Capitalism: The San Francisco Lectures by John Holloway


This is a fairly digestible read for any lefty friends on here, which possibly describes most of my friends. It's a verbatim record of three lectures given in San Francisco by the Marxist sociologist John Holloway.

He talks a lot about unity of the left and how we need to stop separating people in to different branches of disenfranchised and oppressed peoples and start thinking as a "we" not a "they" when discussing people of struggle.

He talks about acts of selflessness, from the small to the huge each create a tiny crack in capitalism and the more we create the more we undermine it.

He says honestly that he doesn't have the answers, and if anyone does claim to have all the answers it moves them in to an area of monologue where we need a politics of dialogue - some have ideas, so do some others - sit and talk and implement them.

The overriding message is that we need to stop viewing the crises of capitalism as something done to us, but rather embrace those crises and become them. Sack bankers, elect different politicians but they will still be another version of the capitalist that went before, before the whole philosophy of capital is one of exploitation and oppression. His message is summed up in the words "we are the crisis of capitalism".