A review by ladyethyme
The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan


I was actually really pleasantly surprised by this book. A perfectly good light hearted fantasy, with elements of drama but nothing over the top gory, or scenes of rape or sexual violence, which seem to be so common these days in fantasy books.
Maybe the ‘trial’ chapter could’ve been condensed-because rehashing an event we as the readers already lived through was a teeny bit tedious. Buuuut that’s ok.
Although there are some issues with a few minor plot holes and issues a person well-versed about horses and medieval life might pick up on, I don’t think that they are enough to ruin this story for anyone. (Although the little worth put on gold and silver was a bit extreme….I mean honestly-most peasants wouldn’t SEE silver in their entire lives….but here it’s like ten silver for a low end coat? The amount of gold you’d need to buy a horse would weigh twenty pounds or more-much less anything else you wanted to purchase….sadly it’s a real irritation-as this world must SWIM in gold and silver for it to be so devalued)
I really enjoyed the humor, and the elements of mystery and tantalizing bits of clues that indicate a much bigger and wider story for each of the characters.
I particularly like that the characters are thieves, not afraid of violence, murder or acting in self-interest-but still have a sense of honor, and it is not at all grim dark-which seems to be the fashion these days, making everything as miserable and horrible as possible… It’s actually hard to find books that are not like this, but still are adult and not childish or full of romance which I hate.
Really looking forward to the next book, and I’m starting it now, I recommend this for anyone who wants a good fantasy read that is not as intense or complicated as, say, Brandon Sanderson‘s Way of Kings, but generally far and above most of the fantasy out there imo.