A review by mamabookwyrm
Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee


The title of this book drew me in like a moth to the flames and then the blurb just called to me. I love reading student/teacher books; the naughtiness of it just makes me feel kind of giddy. But this is different than most. It was less naughty and more gut wrenching. There’s still the taboo but there is a whole other layer to the story.

Kat has built up a tough outer skin; she’s got this persona that she dons like a mask and an impenetrable wall that she doesn’t let anyone through. She’s fierce but underneath it all she’s scarred and she’s broken. Gavin has been able to break through it all. He’s sweet, caring and tender. And he’s joined the list of some of my favorite book boyfriends. On paper they don’t seem to work well. But oh, the chemistry between them is ignitable. They get in a room together and it just combusts.

This story is heavy with emotion and angst. Kat has a tragic backstory. I highly recommend reading with a box of tissues nearby. There were times when I smiled, times when I giggled, times when I fanned myself but oh did I cry. It was definitely darker then I was expecting when I read the blurb but not a dark romance by any means. Just be prepared for some topics that aren’t easy to swallow.

If you like stories of triumph over tragedy then pick this up. This is one that’ll stick with you.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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