A review by litsleaze
I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue


In this story we follow Jolene who has some underlying issues with trauma and alcoholism that she so desperately needs to address. But albeit, that is just some of the facets of Jolene.

Jolene is kind, self loathing, a mom-pleaser, and pessimistically optimistic. She works an office job for a big corporate type, and there she has several office space type workers that fit your typical cliches- the good two shoes, the senile worker, the dead beat boss, your quiet male worker with no spine, and the overly nice HR rep guy.

Jolene who suffers some mild bouts of anxiety and her self loathing, she finds that sneaking secret messages in white ink to her coworkers normal emails gives her just the bit of something to merch in to a job she doesn’t particularly like. But she messes up once, and forget to ink her secret hidden text about her coworkers lunch room choices, and gets in trouble. There she is partnered with the companies new HR geeky nerd rep who will facilitate her probating training. At the start of this probation though, they need to install some software on her work laptop to monitor (I would have quit right then) and instead of doing that they irrevocably give her admin server permissions to see alll slack and email correspondence in her jobs company.

Insert here the hilarity that ensues with coworkers talking about you behind your back, the rumor of lay offs, and the plan to not only keep your job but also get promoted.

This book was written very well, and I found it remarkable from a corporate anxiety girly stand point. I laughed and chuckled, and this book actually gave me my first tear.

Giving it four stars because I found the ending to be a little unrealistic in my opinion. I would have loved to see a bit more audacity and good for her vibes! But overall I think this book was tailored more as a rom com with office space vibes.

Very cute, will definitely recommend.