A review by ybbmel
Ghost Story by Peter Straub


very interesting, it took me a second to sit with this one before I could even begin to process my thoughts.

Straub's writing was amazing. I really enjoyed the imagery he used, and I think the spooky scenes were just that, very spooky. the spooks start on page one!!

that being said, the writing was too slow and overly detailed. I did not like how many characters there were, it really hurt the reading experience as I genuinely could not keep up with everyone in Milburn. it's a double-edged sword, I think Straub did a great job in the world-building and setting a good environment, but sometimes it was TOO much.

I enjoyed the characters more than I thought I would. A group of old guys in their 70's aren't the typical main characters, but I really enjoyed it actually! ricky was such a guy, I loved him.

his partner, Sears, I cannot say the same. his character was interesting enough, just being an ass was his whole thing.. which fine... but his ending was so stupid I felt a little upset. some scenes were really good, but some, like Sears's ending, just felt a little messy and unnecessary.

the plot itself was good, but confusing in some aspects. "Ghost Story," isn't so much a ghost story in the first place. the "monsters," if you will, in this story are slightly confusing and i wish they were explained better. they were spooky, but not living up to their full spookiness as i did not understand them fully.

the ending of this book is absolutely worth the 500 pages to get there, but again. i was slightly confused my first read of it. once i sat back and read the ending a second time i was able to comprehend it and love it as much as i did.

all in all, not my favorite spooky book. but a good one i would recommend to anyone already accustomed to reading books like Stephen King. if you can read and love King, you'll love Straub. i can't wait to read more of his work in the future, as I fell in love with his writing. Rest in peace king!! <3 :,)