A review by mornirdragon
The Sending by Isobelle Carmody


This series is one of my favorites. I started reading it when i was 11 years old.

If your worried that you need to reread the previous books to catch up don't worry because the start of the book will get you back up to speed.

I do feel this book could have been shortened as a lot of the book is traveling, traveling, traveling with not much else. I understand that she is trying to give us a peek into what a vast adventure it is to cross the mountains and the blacklands but i felt she could of made the same impact with fewer words.

My favorite parts have become the flash backs to before the holocaust. My least favourite being Elspeth wondering over and over the about the same parts of her quest and the clues that will guide her through it. Again i feel we could have got the same impact with fewer words.

Although my argument that this book could have the same impact with a shorter length this was still a fast and easy read for me. Isobelle Carmody's writing is still wonderful, as are the fully fleshed characters. Can't wait for the finale!