A review by jemsizzleton
The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon by Tom Spanbauer


I fell in and out of love with this book several times. I admire its willingness to make me uncomfortable, but def had a couple "oh cone on, really?" moments. Much of it is really beautiful and will mess with your mind on the topics of sexuality in a unique framing of the cowboys-n-indians old west. Loved the characters and themes. The ideas of the human condition playing with ideas of race, gender, humanity and sex. Def got a little over the top for me at times, and I sometimes wondered about people of various cultures conveniently crossing the stage so the themes could feel more wholly addressed. Overall, I was into it, and the parts I would trash talk would make this rant bizarre and hilarious, but also a spoiler, so I will zip my lip. If you ever read it, be prepared fir a whole lot of cocks to be whizzing about the cowboy saloon in a total fuck fest, and then tell me what you think. End had some WTH moments. Very end was cool, though equally odd. I learned some stuff about being "bendache" that felt authentic to a clueless person on the topic like me. But I enjoyed attaining that knowledge and how I did so. Worth reading for sure, but brace yourself.