A review by sea_caummisar
The Club: A perverted, gore-drenched road trip into Hell. by Kyle M. Scott, Kyle M. Scott


What a delight to find this new-to-me author from the FB group BOH author list.
The description warns that some scenes may offend. Good thing that nothing offends me, but it totally makes sense why the author added that. The opening scene is the R word. Not only that, it's two sisters abducted, one R worded while her head getting sawed off, but you also get a first hand view from the surviving sister, which to me is even more brutal than reading about physical violence.
Not to mention the glimpse inside the head of a cult leader (cults can be small right? can 4 people constitute a cult?). His views of the world are morbid, and he has the tendency to get followers, people who believe every word he says and would do anything he asks of them. They're busy on a death spree, think Mickey and Mallory but with 2 couples instead of one. The police start chasing them, but what they find in the woods is far worse than anything the police would impose on them.
I thought reading the story, that these 4 murderers were THE CLUB. I was wrong. THE CLUB isn't found until approx halfway through the book, and is far more evil than them.
This was so close to a 5 star book, but some parts seemed to go on and on. It's a 'me thing' that I'm so used to reading novellas that when I read 200+ pages I feel some parts are wordier than they should be. With that being said, I totally recommend this book to anyone who enjoys extreme horror.