A review by indiekay
Catered All the Way by Annabeth Albert


Holiday Romance Readathon 2023: 19
3.5 stars

So like... I really like Annabeth Albert's writing style, but I'm over reading romances with military and cop protagonists, so I wasn't planning to read more of her work. But I saw this cover and thought it looked really cute, so I gave it a go.

It was ok? Not a bad book, but not a new fav. The cover and title made me think maybe it'd be about a caterer and a sailor falling for each other on a ship, maybe a cruise ship? But there's not actually any catering in this book. Like, Zeb's brother runs a business that rents out space for parties, and there is a caterer, but neither Zeb nor Atlas have much to do with that. And yeah, Atlas is in the military, and once again I'm complaining that there's too many sex scenes in an Annabeth Albert book - well, either too many or they were just boring for me personally.

What I did like: I think both characters were really likeable and I did root for them to get together. I liked Zeb's brother and the relationships between all 3 characters. I like that the book mentions asexuality when Atlas is trying to figure out his sexuality, and I like that one of the side characters is nonbinary. I liked that Zeb is fat and other than a cringey scene where Atlas calls Zeb "homey and comfortable", which they never really talk about, him being fat isn't a big deal. I also like the cameo of the characters from The Geek Who Saved Christmas, and the ending was very sweet.