A review by danicapage
Outrageous Courage: What God Can Do with Raw Obedience and Radical Faith by Kris Vallotton, Jason Vallotton


My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received a temporary e-arc of this novel from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. I was not obligated to write a good review nor am I receiving any compensation for writing this review.

An Overview of the Novel: This book is a non-fiction,memoir of Tracy Evans. It shares her conversion to the gospel and then her devotion to the gospel. It takes readers through her adventures in different countries and different situations and her experiences in each place.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I normally don't read non-fiction, especially not Christian non-fiction. Several Christians have slightly different beliefs than I do and I don't really like to be preached at. So I had mixed feelings going into this one.

I shouldn't have worried. This tale was actually gripping. There were parts that lagged behind, but Tracy's adventures were just incredible. Read the first chapter of this book and you won't be able to stop reading. It's just that good.

And this is a true story. That's the part that still gets to me. The amazing tales shared in this book actually happen to a person. And even more amazingly, this person is not depicted as perfect, but rather a person simply trying to be better. I also loved that.

This book was pretty much incredible. I'm so glad I took a chance on it.

So why 4 out of 5 stars? I always have a hard time rating non-fiction because I really don't read a lot of it. However, this one was really good. There were parts that lagged as I'm sure there are with many non-fiction books. I thought the organization could have been better in parts, but overall, I adored this book.

In Summary: An engaging tale about an incredible person who is actually a real person. The Vallotton's did an excellent job at relaying one woman's experiences without being preachy.

The Wrap-up: I'd recommend this one. I know some people might be opposed to the beliefs expressed in this book; however, Tracy's story is worth reading even if you aren't Christian. If you like stories about people putting everything on the line for their beliefs, then you'll like this story. It doesn't matter whether you believe what Tracy did or not. It's the inspirational story about


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