A review by rusticreadingal
Warfare by Julie Hall


Warfare is the sequel to Huntress, so if you haven't read the first book, drop everything and grab a copy! You won't be disappointed. Huntress was an amazing read, so I've been super excited to get to Warfare. I've gotta say, it was just as good as Huntress and... dare I say it?... maybe even a little better... It seemed to have more of everything, as crazy as that sounds. More action, more intrigue, more danger, more fight scenes, more spiritual growth, more romance, more humor. And as with the first book, I was completely and totally drawn into it's sequel. Everything else disappeared except for this book, this world, these characters.

When Audrey's family is targeted by an unprecedented level of demon attacks, she will do anything, defy authority and friends, to help them. I completely felt Audrey's panic and fear for her family, but, my goodness, she is so stubborn! There were quite a few times I wanted to reach through the book and shake some sense into her! But I could definitely see how much she's grown from the previous book. More of Logan's past was revealed, which explained a lot about why he acted the way he did. One of my favorite characters in Warfare had to be Audrey's new mentor, Hugo. He's warm and inviting and kind, but with an unwavering air of authority about him. I really enjoyed all of his sage advice and wisdom.

There were some shocking twists and turns and reveals, some where I thought my jaw was gonna hit the floor. There was, also, a great lesson about putting all your faith and trust in God and not yourself. One of my favorite aspects of this series is the friendships. Even though they were tested quite a bit in Warfare, they were genuine and real, so great to read about.

Warfare was a fantastic book that I had a hard time putting down. And that ending... oh my!... Book three can't come out soon enough!

Memorable Quotes:

“He never leaves us or forsakes us. His Spirit goes with us, Audrey, and if we are sensitive to His presence, we’ll hear what we need to hear.”

“God can do amazing things, even with faith the size of a mustard seed.”

“...though your path may seem hard at times, it brings the greatest reward. Some may choose to take what appears to be the easy way, but in the end they’ve only hurt themselves. The Father cares for you deeply, and although you will face challenges, it is in the furnace that your character will be refined.”

“No matter what happens, remember the Father works all things to good. Never forget that.”