A review by alejandra_guerrero
Letter from a Rake by Sasha Cottman

Did not finish book.


I couldn’t like the characters. MMC is very irresponsible, and I just couldn’t understand why he was so smitten with fMC after one interaction. He just had to look at her to be rendered speechless as his little head (the one between his legs) took over his body. FMC was “not like other girls”, and I just hate that kind of “heroine”. She’s lifted up by putting every other girl down. And her friend is just the same, because you can’t possibly be nice to other people if you like clothes and jewelry. She doesn’t like it in London, and is determined to be miserable there until she can go back to India. How did she plan to accomplish that escapes me. Also, how can no servant of her household possibly know who the coat of arms of a carriage belongs to? It was the butler's job to know, for chrissake! That was another thing that bothered me, the fMC spoke about and treated the servants in a very condescending way, like they were nothing but stupid, uneducated gossips. I made it to about 30% and I just lost the motivation to continue. I have better things to read. Besides, the title makes no sense. The MMC didn’t even bother to write a note to go with the multiple flower bouquets he sent, let alone a letter, so why the hell is this called “Letter from a Rake"?