A review by bookishlysimsy
Very Bad People by Kit Frick

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
I'm crushed, to be quite honest. This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, and as I'd liked Kit Frick's previous release, I was sure I'd like this one too.

That was not the case, unfortunately. This book failed to capture my attention throughout my reading of it. The pacing was awfully slow, and it made it difficult to want to follow the story when it felt like we were glacially passing along and blurring fillers. Along with this, I felt like Calliope's character was extremely flat. There wasn't anything special to her, nothing there that felt like a developing character. Instead, I feel like she was more-so a stand-in to see the side characters and the movements they made to attempt to move the plot along.

Overall, I'm severely disappointed. I got 141 pages into this book before deciding I couldn't continue further. While I do hope to read Frick's future books, I'm hoping they won't follow this one's pathway.