A review by mjsam
Sylver and Gold by Michelle Larkin


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I usually avoid crime novels but I’d read another of Larkin’s books and enjoyed it, so wanted to give this a go. Having said that, it did remind me why I usually avoid crime novels, the killer in this book is really sick and I had to skim some of the stuff about him and what he was doing, cause it was just gross.

On the flip side, the two MCs here are awesome. First up is Reid Sylver, Boston’s top homicide cop, who has solved every case she’s had. She has an ace up her sleeve though, since she can talk to dead people. She’s partnered with homicide rookie London Gold on what turns out to be a serial killer case.

Both London and Reid are awesome in their own ways, and what I really liked was that London didn’t take any crap from Reid and more than shouldered her weight in the partnership. I did think their relationship unfolded too fast though, from what I could tell the whole case takes maybe two weeks to solve, and they get together very quickly. This is an insta-attraction turns to insta-love sort of thing.

There’s also some really good secondary characters, some of whom appear in a different fashion. I also adored Mugshot, Reid’s dog, but I’m a sucker for dogs.

The main flaw I felt this had was that the bad guy was too ‘omnipotent’ and the stuff he did and the way he did it was just too over the top. I didn’t believe some of the feats he managed to pull off. As mentioned before, I also didn’t like what he was doing, there was a high ick factor here. I also felt the ending was a bit too Hallmark cheesy.

I did enjoy this though, and would like to catch up with these characters again. 4 stars.