A review by chuxsox
Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service by Gary Sinise


There is no doubt that Gary Sinise has done more to support, cheer, entertain, and serve US servicemen and servicewomen than almost anyone in the history of the US. As a veteran, I am grateful for all of the time, energy, and dedication he has given to the aforementioned endeavor. I truly enjoyed this book for the most part - how Gary told the story of his shift from serving and glorifying self to serving in what I would call the most vigorous serving I have ever seen. It was good to understand where he came from and how he came to be the Gary Sinise whom we all know and love. However, after he came to the point in his life when he realized that he wanted to exert the large part of his energy to ensuring that the members of our armed services are appreciated, the book began to read almost as a resume of all of the serving he has done - almost as if he is trying to prove that he is a good man to the reader, to the listener, or to God. This was a huge drawback of this account. If his desire in writing and performing this book was to toot his own horn, then he certainly succeeded. Propriety suggests that he should probably have focused on telling his life change story and let others give him accolades.