A review by netslummer
That Night in the Woods by Kristopher Triana


Over twenty years after sharing a traumatic night in the woods together on Halloween, a group of childhood friends return to their hometown to mourn the passing of their friend Steven…and maybe finally confront what really happened to them all those years ago in the woods.

I really enjoyed the beginning and the ending of this book but found the middle to be quite boring and drawn out. The pacing of the friends all reuniting at Scott’s place to discuss Steven’s passing and seeing how they’ve all changed (and even stayed the same) was interesting but then having the recollections of their night as teens retold to them by Scott took all the actual fear out of the situation for the reader. I almost think that section of the book would work better written so that the audience experiences it with the characters and then there can be a time jump or something? I think this would be a more effective way of building and maintaining the fear of that night while also mitigating the drawn out middle section I so disliked…

All-in-all I enjoyed the ending enough to make the middle boring bits worthwhile. I think the ending is unexpected but still somehow completed expected which was sort of awesome.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kristopher Triana, and Cemetery Dance Publications for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.