A review by katyanaish
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh


Mmmm, this one gets more of an "eh" from me. It isn't that I didn't like it, so much as it never felt as engaging as other books in the series. I wasn't sure I liked Dev. I never felt like I "got" him. And I was pretty lukewarm with Katya too. Characters with amnesia are tricky - they don't even know who they are, how do we get to know / like them?

I also was perturbed at Dev's ruthlessness towards Katya. I get that she's potentially dangerous, okay? But you can't deny the fact that this woman was also BRUTALLY victimized. Much more so than any other character we have met in this series. The treatment Brenna lived through for 7 days? Katya lived through for five months. The coldness turned me off him. Her acceptance of that treatment as her due turned me off her. I am just not into victims, nor am I into people who victimize.

And I was disappointed that we didn't get more Dorian / Ashaya. They are one of my favorite pairs, and so I had hoped we'd get more interaction with them here. But they were in about 2 scenes, and in those scenes, none of their personality came through. They could have been anyone, cardboard cutouts in the room.

And finally, though the development with the kids was interesting, the ending came out of left field, gave us zero info, and felt pretty deus ex machina to me. I don't understand what happened. Not with Katya, not with Ming, not with the Arrows, ... all in all, this book left me a little baffled.

Ah well. It really doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the overall series. Though I admit I am not looking forward to the next one... 2 characters we don't really know at all... eh. We'll see how it goes. Low expectations aren't necessarily a bad thing.