A review by bandherbooks
All I Know by Tamara Lush


Kate Cooper is running her sick mom's tiki bar in Florida while also struggling to find her footing with her own career and trying to find health insurance for her medical condition. So, when her former high school crush turns up at the bar on leave from his dangerous job as a military contractor, she doesn't really have time for one more thing on her plate. But Damien is too hard to resist, especially since he's been waiting for ten years to finally make Kate realize how much he's always wanted her.

Their fling has an expiration date, until Damien proposes Kate become his wife for his insurance.

I loved the concept of this romance but the story arc didn't exactly work for me. The big conflict was Damien leaving and Kate needing insurance came very close to the end, and then resolved very quickly. We are also left just moments after the wedding not knowing how they as a newly married couple would handle Damien being deployed for a year.

That said I am intrigued to read more by this writer.

CW: Kate's mom has breast cancer, but there is no death. Kate was slut-shamed in high school because she made out with Damien.

I received a free copy in exchange for a fair review.