A review by jaimewrites
Hunted by Elizabeth Heiter


I don't often one-star books, but this is one of the rare ones that irritated me enough to qualify. Mostly because it could have been so much more, if the characters weren't written to be so unintelligent in service of the plot. The heroine made so many terrible decisions that I started to wonder how she made it through FBI training. And all the other FBI agents were either a) perfect paragons of manhood or b) assholes who were more interested in being mean to the heroine than doing their jobs. (Except for her boss, who I started to feel sorry for by the end, because clearly this heroine wasn't emotionally equipped to do her job properly.)

The author has a nice writing style, and a good sense of tension in the action/suspense scenes. And to be honest, I can almost see what she was trying to accomplish with the heroine and her emotional trauma. But it didn't work for me at all. I just ended up extremely disappointed by the string of awful decisions, both the heroine's and everyone else's, that led to the climax of the book. The plot idea deserved better.