A review by bookswithcesco
Drifting by J. Calamy


This was a really great read! I enjoyed it from start to finish.
I really loved the grumpy and sunshine vibes this had and how loveable the characters were. This has representation we really don’t see much in MM books or with queer characters in general so It earned a point for that alone.
The characters are some of the best I have met in the adult MM books I have read In the past. There is good character development and the plot is still there throughout.
My favourite thing about this story was that the conflict was done well and I enjoyed that the characters were adults about it and it got resolved quickly and they were able to just talk to each other and didn’t have a bunch of cliche misunderstandings. The spice here was great as well to boot.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a MM book with fat representation that is dealt with in a realistic light.

ARC provided by the author