A review by zenalth
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James

Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
 "My father is not my father, but he is my father." 

DNF @10% because frankly, no matter how many praises are sung about this book, the chaotic writing masquerading as 'deep, lyrical and meaningful' actually makes my brain hurt. It reads like someone condensed the world's secret stash of weird modern art into a book and added some extra hallucinogens for good measure. It's certainly original and ~*~different~*~, but I'm not going to slog through it. The effort would only make me hate the book and probably push me into a reading slump. I was on the fence for ages--I was willing to challenge myself and fight for James' story--but reviews on Goodreads, blogs and Booktube have sealed the deal for me. This book just doesn't sound like my cuppa tea, which is a damn shame since African mythology sounds awesome

The verdict: life's too short and my TBR too large for me to spend any more time twisting my brain into knots trying to understand James' cryptic writing.