A review by christianaxoxo
Strippers, Showgirls, and Sharks: A Very Opinionated History of the Broadway Musicals That Did Not Win the Tony Award by Peter Filichia


I cheated. I marked this book as read when I barely read 25% of it.
I just cannot finish it.

Whoever wrote this book is in dire need of a good editor who knows the basics of writing. An editor who knows the basics of how not to confuse the holy hell out of your reader. There were so many times where the writer would refer to something, I would not remember it being mentioned and then I would go back to the previous page and--sure enough--whatever the writer is referring to was never explained previously.

The majority of this book is complied of plot synopsizes of musicals, many of them unsuccessful at the Tonys and/or the box office. Sometimes the writer will cite a musical number and say how great it is without explaining to the reader why. It's just great. Take his word for it. The book's title claims it is "opinionated," and it is, but a good opinion piece should convince the reader to agree with you. Or at least laugh along with you (since "opinionated" can often go along with snark and sarcasm). I felt like I had no reason to agree or disagree with his opinions, and reading the plotline of Gypsy did not make me laugh.

When Filichia is not describing the plot of some musical that was robbed, he will go on random lists. By the time I got to his paragraph list of names of musicals with characters that don't have proper names, I was done. There was no point in that list and there's no point in reading this book.

I really love musical theatre, and in the hands of a writer who knows how to form a complete paragraph and has critical thinking and persuasion skills, this book could be really good. As it is, I know that "Rose's Turn" is a great song, thanks.