A review by wheels68
The Dixie Widow: 1862 by Gilbert Morris


Belle is called 'Dixie widow'. After the loss of her husband Vance. She becomes a spy, and does things that she cannot forgive herself for. Blaming her self for the loss of a decent relative. Deceiving his family. She is thrown in prison for treason. (so many Winslow are tossed in prison).. davis is the son of robert and jewel Winslow and the brother of lowel (lowel died in the war')

After davis is tossed in prison, he escapes with the help of Thad , (Lowe had helped lowel)..thad brings davis to the hospital in Richmond (enemy tertiary to davis) and hides the fact he is from the north.

Belle learns that (owen) is actually davis... after much fighting they both find God, learn to forgive and find love.

The northern family also finds forgiveness and helps the southern family to save Belle Mansion.

Sorry I am new to doing reviews...