A review by sierra_color
Long Lost by Jacqueline West


This book was amazing! It got me so excited to read, and after the disappointment of the last book I read, reading this one was like a breath of fresh air. I only have one critique of it though, and that is I wish we could've seen Fiona's parents realizing their mistakes, and getting to know their other daughter better. That's it.

The writing is so amazing, at times, I felt like I was in the town, like the air me was watchful. I saw the old town in my head, heard the creaks of old floorboards of Fionna's house, and felt like I was apart of the mystery too, trying to solve it! It was wonderfully thrilling! The writing wraps you in, and snatches you into the book as you start reading. You feel like you're Fiona, lost and alone in Lost Lake, trying to find a place to belong.
I also loved how there's a beautiful air of mystery around this book, tinged with sisterly relationships. Speaking of relationships, they were so well done-- from the way the relationship between Fiona and her sister was dissected and fixed, to the way the two sisters in the book Fiona finds relationship was fixed and mended as well. I loved how this book seems like it'll take a more realistic route, and then takes a more fantastical one, I feel that this was done excellently. The way the mundane reality seeps into the fantastical is flawless. It starts slow, before bursting out of the seams.
I loved how Fiona's emotions were described too I, at one point, slammed the book down because I was so frustrated for her! It was so easy to emphasize with her character, because she's so well written, and her arc throughout the book was done amazingly. It felt realistic, and you can tell how she realizes what she's done wrong throughout the book.

I can't rave enough about this book! The mystery, the characters, the writing-- all of it is SO well done, and I loved it so much! I couldn't stop thinking about finishing it all day while I was at work, and I'm so happy I got to read it. It was such a fantastic read, and honestly, if you love mystery, I'd definitely recommend it. I'd also recommend it to fans of [b:Wait Till Helen Comes|267972|Wait Till Helen Comes|Mary Downing Hahn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1486692223l/267972._SX50_.jpg|259783] and [b:The Girl Behind the Glass|9757234|The Girl Behind the Glass|Jane Kelley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320548582l/9757234._SY75_.jpg|14646530]. It has similar spooky vibes to those books. Atmospheric writing, that's a mixture of haunting and moving, with vivid descriptions of scenes of old towns and old houses, Long Lost is the perfect read not only for autumn, but just in general. I honestly can't wait to read it again!