A review by rouver
Critical by Robin Cook


Another "tenacious, feisty coroner solves crimes that the cops can't" sort of book. While I jumped in at book 7, the author was able to fill me in on who the characters were, their relationships with one another...unlike some other authors (I'm looking at YOU, Martha Grimes). Specialty hospitals have cropped up to maximize profits: they perform all the procedures that pay off vs offering general treatments that may or may not get paid for by medicare/caid. Unfortunately, there has been a rash of very fast moving infections that are hitting their patients, and their patients only. Laurie Montgomery, said feisty coroner, has discovered the pattern & is desperately trying to find out the cause before her coworker-coroner/husband mulishly goes ahead with his surgery in the face of huge red flags against doing so. Honestly, that was my biggest gripe. Jack completely ignores the evidence, his intelligent wife's opinion, and isn't willing to wait to have the operation to fix his torn ACL.

The book was fine for what it was. I might pick up the first in the series, but I'm not rushing out to do so.