A review by wilte
Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions by Gerd Gigerenzer


Great book on decision making. Less is more when there is a lot of uncertainty; simple rules of thumb or frugal decision trees outperforme complex strategies.

Gigerenzer also cleary demonstrates more transparent and honest ways to show risk (percentages). With natural frequencies 4th graders can answer question doctors are stumped with with old ways of describing frequencies.

Only weka chapter was chapter on health/cancer risks (ch 10), 10 rules are given for better living without any numerical evidence. Flies against Gigerenzers conclusion that we don't need soft or hard paternalism, but -with the right tools and communication- can let everyone decide for himself. Invest in people. Laudable and on some aspects certainly doable. Too bad he heads his own advice in chapter 10.