A review by bookarina
Shadow Frost by Coco Ma


Welcome to this book review,
I received a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
This book was a wild and amazing ride.
There are so many great things about this book, multiple POV's, great magic, intriguing world and elemental magic which I am always a big fan of.
I loved all the different point of views, which is unusual for me since I am usually really annoyed or have a growing hate for a character. There were strong woman who weren't presented as weak or lesser because of the problems and dilemmas the had or were facing. The writing style was also really enjoyable.
While those aspects were great, there were a couple of things that made bottered me, the way the relationships developed so quickly felt un-organic to me, I was also annoyed with the way the story completely changed directions in the middle of the story, And while I really enjoyed most of the plot twist, a lot of them felt like fillers to a story that wasn't sure where it was going. I didn't see how some of the plot twist added to the story, it seemed as if it didn't matter when or if they happened at all.
That being said, it was a great debut novel and I am definitely curious to see where the next book in this series will take us.
Recommended for sure, it has a very unique take on elemental magic and strong characters that really help you discover the world at a lovely pace,