A review by becandbooks
Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou


Trigger warnings:
Spoiler extreme bullying, assault/violence, sexual assault, transphobia, gun safety, toxic relationships

I want to be clear that I went into this book expecting something much different to what I read. And honestly, if I had actually read the synopsis I would likely not have requested an ARC.

Love, Heather is a story about when bullies fight back. Stevie is a film-enthusiast who, as many teens in school, ends up falling out with her best friend and experiencing bullying as a result. When new-girl, Dee, starts at the school, however, she pushes Stevie and others who experience bullying, to push back.

The story itself was engaging and well written. But I honestly felt a little uncomfortable about certain story inclusions being a little bit too "shock-factor" for my liking. I won't elaborate too much, as it will result in spoilers for the book.

In addition, the "twist" at the end has been done before. In a big way. Granted, I didn't see it coming. But I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the reveal.

I do want to give a shout-out to how well the book dealt with the soul-crushing way bullying can impact on a teenager at school. The topics of isolation and the insane need for connection and friendship within this story is well and truly ingrained in the story. But overall, this book just didn't work for me.

Note: Review copy received via NetGalley. This does not impact opinions within this review.

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Happy reading! ❤