A review by narflet
Ms. Marvel (2015-2019) #7 by Adrian Alphona, G. Willow Wilson, David López


It's nice to see Adrian Alphona back for an issue, but I did feel a little lost with this issue as I don't know the other stuff going on outside this storyline. I know Miles Morales is Spider-Man, but as I don't read that line, or the Avengers line, the references were lost on me. I'm even more lost when it comes to Nova, as I know nothing at all there (ETA: The penny dropped after reading this and realising why the name was bugging me; I know a little about Nova Corps from the MCU, of course! I still had to do a little reading on the character, though.) I also have no idea if this is the first time anyone is seeing this Ulysses character, or if he's been introduced in another line and I'm missing that story too! Still, it's not without it's fun; it's still Ms. Marvel fabulous and Skyshark is indeed the happiest shark!