A review by kylielovesbooks
Liberté by Gita Trelease


I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
4.5 stars
Enchantee was one of my favorite reads of 2019 and I impatiently waited for the sequel. I was rewarded with a great duology conclusion filled with action, justice, danger and magic.
This book starts right where the first one left off with Camille and Sophie living in Hotel Seguin with the majority of Paris against magicians. The story brought back some of my favorite characters (Lazare, Chandon, Rosier) and introduced us to some new ones (Giselle and the Lost Girls, Blaise). The characters really made the book for me. I loved them so much! Camille was so strong in this book. She learned about her magic and accepted that she was a magician, which wasn't a bad thing, despite the people of Paris calling for magician's heads. Camille and Sophie had the best sibling relationship. They were there for each other no matter what. All the couples had amazing relationships, Camille and Lazare, Chandon and Foudriard and another I will not mention because spoilers.
A lot of this book was slow moving but absolutely not boring, as I expected from the first book. There were several different plot lines, Camille writing pamphlets for the Lost Girls, Lazare and his balloons, the play Sophie and Rosier put on, Les Marveilleux, Camille and the other magicians trying to figure out how to make a specific kind of magic. They all wove together seamlessly and all came together at the end. Since the majority of the book was slow moving, the ending seemed like a complete whirlwind and I loved it. My heart was in my throat and we kept getting thrown one thing after another.
The ending was so satisfying and really the perfect ending for what the story was in my opinion. I am sad to be leaving these characters after only 2 amazing books.