A review by kellylynnthomas
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


[I'm shelving this on my writing shelf because even though it doesn't talk specifically about writing, the only reason I really read time management books is because I want to write more.]

This book is geared toward women with huge careers and small children. I do not fit either bill, but I still got a lot out of this book, and look forward to reading its predecessor, 168 Hours. I really like the idea of actually tracking your time for a week to see where you spend it, and thinking about your time in week long chunks instead of 24-hour long chunks. You can't do everything in 24 hours, but you can probably do it in 168 hours.

I also really appreciated that the author addresses the fact that some women want to work MORE, not less. I am one of those women. I have things to do, dammit. Vanderkam also suggests letting the laundry pile up while you do actual meaningful things--because the laundry will always be there, but you can never get back that time.

Vanderkam never suggests women can be super women who never sleep and do EVERYTHING, but she does provide a solid basis that any woman can use to build a life that brings her joy, happiness, and fulfillment.