A review by trin
The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama


Can my review just be “What Siria said”? We read this book at the same time—right before the inauguration—and her review sums up my feelings pretty perfectly. Much more political and much less personal than [b:Dreams From My Father|88061|Dreams from My Father|Barack Obama|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EPAQ7CT1L._SL75_.jpg|86032], The Audacity of Hope does at times feel like a sales pitch, which I understand the necessity of, but don’t personally need. It also at times serves as a reminder of how not-quite-in-sync my own views are with the more mainstream side of the Democratic Party, and with this country in general—it seems I’m a radical lefty without feeling radical, and I’m way in the minority when it comes to (an utter lack of interest in) religious beliefs. But, you know, here’s the good thing—one of many good things—about this book and about Barack Obama as a politician and as a person: a large part of his message is that it isn’t about me. It’s about us. It’s about the country as a whole—about the world as a whole. I’m not personally good at compromise, but I am so glad that the United States now has a president who is willing to reach out his hand, to be a unifying force rather than a divisive one. A president who’s thoughtful and willing to listen. It does give me hope: not just that the country can become better, but that we all can.

So yeah, um. What Siria said.