A review by the_resistance_book_club
When It All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw


This book definitely is a 5 star read for debut novel! First we follow the journey of Aisha, a black female ballet dancer, trying to navigate the best way she can as a teenager trying to find her identity amongst the arts of ballet. This has trigger warnings, of course. When it comes to ballet it is a did eat dog world out there especially for black women. Eating disorder, dissociation, body dysmorphia while dealing with racism, discrimination, and verbal abuse from her peers. Omg!

What I love is that the author handle the issues with delicate care. Not just with Aisha but with her friends Neil and Ollie. I wish we would’ve gotten into more of Neil’s issues but we are seeing it from Aisha’s POV. Overall great story!

Aisha is definitely a latch key kid for sure and how that affected her in her choices to not be a burden on her parents is how I was when I was a kid.