A review by haletostilinski1
The Inconvenient Love by Briar Prescott


⭐︎3.25 Stars Rounded Down!⭐︎

This was shaping up to be a 4 star read for me, but unfortunately the last 20% was just kind of "meh" for me and brought down my rating. I even skimmed a little here and there in that last bit, because I felt like it was going on too long.

I think what contributed to that feelings was...well, not a lot actually happens in this, and once these two are getting together, I guess even their romance couldn't override the lack of plot for me. Probably because while I liked and enjoyed these two together, I didn't love them. That lack of complete interest in these two made the ending drag when it was just scenes with these two doing...not much, or just having sex again. Which I'd love if it wasn't a lot of what these two did together.

Isac (also why is his name spelled like that without another "a"?? meh) and Max have known each other almost all their lives. Max if Anders' best friend and 11/12 years older than Isac.

Since Isac was 17, these two have become friends in their own right and hung out all the time. When Isac has just turned 19, though, he kisses Max and declares his feelings for him, that's he's in love with him.

Only, Max doesn't feel the same way at the time. He feels Isac is too young to know what love is, and he sees Isac as a little kid brother (ouch).

Isac is understandably hurt and heartbroken over this, so instead of staying in Boston and going to MIT, he moves across the country to get away from Max and everything that happened between them.

6 years later, Isac returns to Boston for the summer (although he is planning to go all the way to Switzerland at the end of the summer for his phd) and the whole family plus Max, Jamie and Connor go on vacation for a few weeks.

This has been the most time Isac and Max have spent together in 6 years, and it gives Max enough time to see Isac as the adult he is, and realize an attraction for him. After some stops and starts, these two start a sexual relationship. They talk about it only lasting until the end of vacation (and then of course, the end of summer after that), because Isac will be leaving, but over time of course they start to fall for each other.

I actually felt the pacing for these two was good at first. Max didn't feel the same way for Isac all those years ago, and while we see him attracted to Isac and start to get feelings, he isn't just instantly in love with Isac.

The start of their relationship is done well, I think, and the chemistry was definitely there. I was really enjoying this story so far in the first half for sure.

I do wish there had been more drama was Anders and Wells found out. Anders was shocked to be sure, and didn't just shrug it off, but it didn't take him long to work through it and be okay with it. It just...made things too easy.

Because everyone finds out and it's a non-event. It's after that that things started to slow down for me. They come back from the vacation, there's no drama, and these two just...do things, which are mostly glossed over. It bothers in romances when they gloss over a lot of the dating part. They don't have to show every moments, but several dates and moments just being together would be nice to see them falling in love.

I know Isaac is already there, but I wanted to see more of Max getting there. Like how did Max go from just being attracted and interested to in love. Mostly we just got...sex with them, and some telling of them spending time together, not much showing.

Still, I was enjoying it for the most part until about 80% in when it just started to drag for me, and that's when I started skimming. I didn't need to read another scene with them having sex, or not doing much else. It was just dragging out the inevitable, their soon separation with Isac going off to Europe.

Which, is another big reason for me not giving this 4 stars and rounding down to 3 stars instead. I didn't quite like how it was all handled. Isac goes, and they're determined to stick out 4 years with long distance - FOUR YEARS?? - while Max gets his dream promotion in his physical therapist job.

But then, of course as long distance goes, Max is missing Isac, and he talks to Jamie and Kai about it, and with one conversation, Max is apparently just ready to give up his whole like and career and move to freaking Switzerland to be with Isac.

Now, if this had been talked out with them beforehand, if they had made the decision before Isac left, if they had planned it out more, I wouldn't have minded. If Max wasn't happy with his job, and wanted that adventure for himself as well as being with Isac, I'd be all for it.

But he doesn't leave with him, and they go a month with long distance before Max just decides to give up his life in Boston and move halfway around the world for Isac, with no plan for himself and his career.

It all felt...just way too easy. In the epilogue 5 years later, we learn that he found a job at a private clinic, but what if he hadn't? And what if it took a long time for him to even get that job? What does Switzerland even require for a foreigner to get a job in the country? There would have to be a whole process, right? And yet Max just goes and stays and it's NBD? Not even a line or two in the epilogue saying "it was tough at first, with Max having to find a job and find his place in Switzerland, but they got through" nOTHING.

It was such a bummer. It made this story go out with a whimper instead of a bang. What had been a pretty strong story overall, with these two having good chemistry, fell short near the end, and in the second half overall. I was, in the end, disappointed with the direction this story took, and the weak plot and character story near the end.

I know this author can do better, so I think this was just one of those times where you can't win them all. This one just didn't end up working the best for me.

I still liked it, and the first half was definitely stronger, and overall these two did have good chemistry...I just wanted a better ending, and a better pacing and showing of these two falling in love and being ready to give up everything to fly across the world to be with them.

So overall, this was good and I liked it, it just needed improvement in the some parts, especially that last 20%.

This just could have been better, in my opinion.

Oh well, you can't win them all