A review by magencorrie
Wait for You by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Jennifer L. Armentrout, under pen name, J. Lynn, has written yet another amazing book that took me into a world of a girl struggling to overcome her past. And she has blown my expectations for a well written, amazing story, with great characters, out of the water! I fall in love with JLA, yeah, I’m in love with this author and her work. She’s that fabulous! Anyways, I feel in love with her work when I got my little paws on the Lux series, which then led me to read every single book by her, her YA and her Adult novels. Every book has been amazing, and Wait For You was no exception.

‘And why did he have a pet turtle and did he seriously name it after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, because that was kind of funny.'

I think I have met a guy who might have surpassed my love for Daemon, that’s right! Cam Hamilton jumped right up to my favorite book crushes! Arrogant, cocky, and good-humored with a sweet and never-give-up personality, Cam is just a bundle of OH MY! Jennifer knows how to create guys that I day-dream/fantasize/wish-they-were-real-so-I-could-pounce-them, is that too much? I have so many feels for Cam!

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Not only are her male characters damn right awesome, she also writes female characters quite nicely. She makes them were they don’t get on my nerves. Yeah, I hate reading about female characters that are whiny, woe-is-me, my life sucks, kind of personality.

So far, Jennifer hasn’t created on girl who is like that. Now, Avery was a bit different than her other female characters, she was a bit of a sad character, however, as you read, she does have a reason to be the way she is. And like all of Jennifer’s characters, they grow and become stronger. That is what happens to Avery. Also, being inside Avery’s head was an experience, her weirdness and random thoughts reminded me of how I think sometimes.

Now, for some Jacob, I LOVED JACOB!!! He reminded me of my gay friend, whose name is Jacob. Which I guess made me love him even more. He had that attitude and witty banter I can help giggling over.

All of Jennifer’s characters in the book were fun to read, and some I wish we could have gotten more of. What I am really hoping is that there will, eventually, be more added to the story!

Would dive bombing into my apartment seem weird? Yes- yes it would. So I went with a very lame, “Hey…”

Jennifer’s writing has always just pulled me into her stories. That is something I love about her books, how immensely I can be absorbed into them. She can also capture the young adult/teenage girl’s dorkiness so well. Hell, she can capture the feelings and the way young adults think brilliantly.

It’s a book with great pace, has a natural flow of events. The relationships feel natural, which is so so important in any book. The tension, the romance, and the steamy-swoony parts are remarkably written. You become invested in each character, you see them grow, struggle and see them change before your eyes. This book had a very ‘real’ quality to it, not rushed or fake, like most books, the problems or situations that pop up, it felt real.

Wait For You is amazing. I was in love with this book by just the first few pages. And this is another book you just can’t put down!! Also a lot of flailing might occur. With Cam’s smexiness, and Avery’s character growth, I found another book by Jennifer I love, so if you’re a JLA fan or just now discovering her, give this book a try!