A review by kristid
Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton


In case you couldn't tell from the cover, this novel had a bit of a Gothic tone, and that made the novel all that more awesome. (Although if I'm perfectly honest the cover really doesn't do it for me.... though it is a prettier irl.) But the thing that I really loved about this novel was the references to ancient mythology, which I was not expecting at all! It was a welcome surprise!

This novel is a must read debut! There's a unique setting, an eclectic cast of characters, and a surprising story that is sure to catch your attention! There are a lot of twists and turns going on, and even though I had a few figured out before hand... got to love that foreshadowing, there were still a lot of "oh my gosh, did that just happen" moments. It was impossible not to flip the pages, hoping that we would figure out the truth behind Ari's past. And I loved every minute of it!

Ari is a kick-butt character, and she kicks-butt too! I would definitely put her up there with the likes of Rose Hathaway (from the Vampire Academy series) this girl can take care of herself, but she's not invincible. My favorite character beside Ari was one of the kids in the New 2, Violet, there was something very captivating about her from the moment she showed up on the page.

The one complaint that I had would be the romance between Ari and Sebastian.... only because they had just met for a few hours and then bam they were making out. Neither Ari nor Sebastian seemed like the type of character that would just wear there heart on their sleeve like that... but perhaps there was some magnetic attraction there that I was oblivious to. That being said, the relationship did work nicely in the story, I mean I'm all for making out, though it would have worked without the insta-romance as well.

Overal, Darkness Becomes Her is an action packed, unique twist on ancient mythology, with a kick-butt heroine and one of a kind world!