A review by gimpyknee
Blue Moon by Lee Child


After 24 books and nearly 24 years Jack Reacher has, alas, finally jumped the shark. This read is both laugh out loud silly and disturbing. The plot is absurd. Violence and mayhem rule nearly every chapter. Jack tells us on page one that the unnamed city he has arrived in by bus has half a million people and a police department twelve hundred officers strong. Really? In scene after scene of senseless brutal violence, including one memorable account of a shootout in a lumber yard where a couple of dozen Albanian gangsters die with Jack personally shooting and killing 12 gang members, nary a single police officer arrives on the scene. There is not any police presence in the entire book.
What the hell? They were all off on vacation at the same time? Reacher would have you believe that the entire city is ruled by warring factions of Ukrainian and Albanian gangsters and that city's population was more or less divided equally as snitches for the rival gangs. Jack's solution? Kill them all and do so without suffering any serious injury to himself. What a farce.

Hands down this is the worst Jack Reacher book in the entire series of Reacher books. Like many others here I question whether Child did the writing. This is no Jack Reacher I'm familiar with.