A review by sonja_ahrb
A Veil of Vines by Tillie Cole


A Veil of Vines is quite a departure from Tillie Cole's previous books, but don't let that deter you from picking it up because it happens to be one of the most amazing stories she's told to date. Cole is one of the handful of authors I read religiously that nails it each and every time. Whether it's bikers, fighters, football players and now winemakers, she knows her characters and tells seamless, flawless stories of deeply flawed characters.

A Veil of Vines takes place in Italy, sigh, do I even need to say anymore? It's honestly hard to describe the feelings this book gave me. And I know as soon as I get the lottery, my butt is on a plane to Italy, because this book just made it even more beautiful sounding.

I went into this book blind. I didn't really know what it was about, I just knew Tillie wrote it and by God, I was reading it. I'm so glad I didn't read much about it beforehand because it probably wouldn't have been something I would have normally picked up. I loved and devoured every word.

~ Lia, 5 Stars