A review by destynnee
Luke by Cora Rose


This is an ARC review and could have spoilers.
There are mentions of transphobia, there is some BDSM, naughty texts, stalking, protective sisters, blood,

This story follows Luke, who is a cisman, and Elliot who we find out is a transman. They meet in a coffee shop.. The circumstances I would say not the best. Luke bleeding. Elliot cutting in line. It was a disaster.

This is actually the first book from this series that I have read.

So, Elliot, cuts in line, at said coffee shop, and Luke is not amused. One of my favorite lines, comes from this encounter, "You gonna fix me up, Doc? Make me all respectable?ā€ from Luke. Luke is such a funny and odd dude. And Elliot is such a prim, proper, stand-up kinda guy. They seem like they would never mix well.

"We are so friends now." - Luke.
I loved this part. Luke is a big hulk of a guy but is so weird and soft. Like, a pit bull puppy. You know it's cute, and it is going to test your patience, but you get it and love it anyway.

"Iā€™m like Scooby-Doo.ā€ - Luke
There are a few qualities, that Luke has that reminds me of my nibbling, and a few other family/friends, whom are on the spectrum. And when I mentioned certain parts, he agrees. We both fell in love with how puppy dog Luke could be.

Just a heads up, I read the ARC, he read it on KU.

These two seem like a pair that would explode and never work. But, they do. And not only do they.. They find love, and happiness with each other. Something that is not always easy for those of us in the lgbtqai2 community to find.

The same nibbling which I spoke of before, is a transman, I asked him his take on the story. He told me, that often he worries that others will not accept him. That not only will they shun him, but hurt him. Something that Elliot feels as well. Something that Luke wants to shield him from.

Also, while there are mentions of transphobia in this story, it is not Luke saying those things to Elliot. They are from a past partner.

Luke and Elliot get there HEA. Something that many of us, yearn for.

I'm sorry if this review is a bit of a jumbled mess. It was quite hard to put into words, how much I loved this story, and how it hit home for many of my loved ones.

5/5 stars
- destynnee