A review by where_the_pages_bleed
The Match by Harlan Coben


Thank you to Penguin Random House SA for gifting me this book in exchange for an honest review.

TW: Death, Suicide, SA, Cyber Bullying, Mental Health issues, and Abandonment.

First note, if you are here and this is your first Wilde book this is no.2. BUT Good news, because Mr. Coben gives enough info, you can jump into this one WITHOUT reading no1. A round of applause to Mr. Harlan Coben thank you...

Wilde was left in the woods as a young boy, who knows for how long really. He's lived his life being separated from his past, or so we thought. After Wilde does a DNA test to find relatives, he is sucked into the whirlwind lives of reality stars... Right where the fun begins.

Wilde is messaged by a close-matched relative only known as PB for help, but Wilde is a little late with his response. As this is the only matched relative Wilde has ever had he needs to find this person, not only because they asked for help but because they hold a key to finding out who this 'boy from the woods' really is.

This book has:
- The good old Wilde-ness we deserve
- Reality t.v. and the dangers of it all.
- Cyberbullying and the dark web
- Murder, always that.

This book also offers us more of Wilde, more info on him as one of the main quests is to find out about his family. This part is both a happy and enraging moment. Are some truths really worth coming to light? And what is the price of fame worth in your life?