A review by rebelbelle13
Doctor Who Archives: Prisoners of Time by Scott Tipton, David Tipton


I love a good Doctor crossover story. The more Doctors that are involved, the more fun the adventure. This crossover includes Doctors 1 to 11, and a slew of favorite companions over the last 50 years. The story is that the Doctors are going about their business, saving the universe, and their companions are disappearing. It comes down to all of them to figure out what's going on and save them. Caveat here: this is so much more enjoyable if you've watched at least one arc of each Doctor, and have seen the ninth Doctor stories "Dalek" and "The Long Game". The entire story will make so much more sense, and you'll be able to enjoy the individual doctors. Here's a bit of a break down as to which companions are in which story and if it helps to have watched another episode before taking in the comic:
1 (Hartnell): Ian, Barbara and Vicki as companions. Villains the Animus and Zarbi- helps to watch "The Web Planet"
2 (Troughton): Jamie and Zoe as companions.
3 (Pertwee): Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith and Brigadeer Lethbridge Stewart.
4 (T Baker): Leela and K-9 companions, features the Judoon as villains.
5 (Davison): Adric, Tegan and Nyssa as companions, features the Rutans and Sontarans. Helps to watch "The Horror of Fang Rock" beforehand.
6 (C Baker): Peri and Frobisher (comic only companion). Villains are The Master and Autons.
7 (McCoy): Ace as companion, and The Master as villain
8 (McGann): Grace as companion.
9 (Eccleston): Rose as companion.
10 (Tennant): Martha as companion. Features the Dominators and Quarks as villains. Helps to have seen Second Doctor arc "The Dominators".
11 (Smith): Clara as companion (very briefly).
Even though I think the ultimate villain is cleverly done, it's not someone I ever really liked. I did appreciate that he was given a bit of a chance at redemption, though. The art styles are beautiful, the characteristics of the individual Doctors and their personalities are well done, and it was quite enjoyable as a true Whovian. I would actually look to purchase this in the future for my personal collection.