A review by trisha_thomas
Red Fox: An Experiment in Terror Novel by Karina Halle


so, what I liked

* I just love Perry and Dex. Their bantor keeps me coming back to these books. They take the suspense and the unbelievable and break it up with great jokes and cute remarks. I love reading them!

* The world building. I didn't mind the huge cast of new characters. I felt like I got to know them well and even appreciated when they were around. I hope we see Maximus in many more books! He was just great and I know he holds some secrets I'd love to know! LOL

* The fun they got to have. I loved the dancing, singing and the bar scene (before the incident) and I loved the story of how the first met (made up of course). I loved their 'pretending' and the moment at death's door when they were in the trees!

So, that leaves what I wasn't a huge fan of.
I was so tired of everyone telling Perry that Dex is not who she thinks! JUST GET ON WITH IT ALREADY! Fine, he's not who he pretends to be. Then, just OUT WITH IT! They had to have warned her 100 different times and by the 10th one, I was read to smack someone. Just, ugh. No. More. Foreshadowing.
If Dex sucks, let's just have it out with it. Otherwise, Shut up about it!

The plot line. You know, I loved the location and the setting for it - but I wanted some ghostly fun. I would have loved a poltergeist or some type of haunting. And even though this activity was interesting to read about and definitely fit the bill for paranormal, it was not the kind of plot line /story that I wanted to read and had hoped for when I picked this series up.

I will read the next book for Dex and Perry alone, but I'm hoping the story gets back to the ghostly line or some secrets are reveiled or I may not continue......